Productivity Strategies - Are You Prolific

Word count:1915

hey this is Leo for actualised org and I'm super pumped up about this video because this is a special guest post video plus written article for goal-setting guide calm and the owner of that log is arena hay arena anyways the topic that we're covering here for her viewers is are you prolific this is a question I been thinking about lately how prolific are you and when I think about that word prolific I always think about Pablo Picasso because he was one of the most prolific artists of all time it's estimated somewhere I've read in books between 40,000 to 50,000 pieces of art he produced throughout his whole life and he stayed productive as an artist up through his 80s and I think maybe into his 90s basically until death he was that productive he was so productive that you would call him prolific prolific means that you produce exceptional quantity of output creative output work what are you producing in your life and I've been asking myself this question am i prolific and it's a yes or no question it's a yes or no answer and I feel like I've actually been barely prolific throughout my life I've worked on a lot of different projects I tend to be a creative type of person so I always love to produce stuff and I get a big thrill out of just making something and then putting it out there or even not putting it out there just making it I always feel like I need to be working on something or my life is going to waste and I'm just not fulfilled I'm not happy and I noticed that my happiness is really correlated with my level of productivity so when I'm productive my happiness shoots up and when I'm not productive which I often am not then my happiness drops and those two are like those two needles go hand-in-hand with each other for me for you maybe a little bit different but I think that anyone can can get into that and can tap into the creativity that they naturally have and the productivity that they have I think that most people just never never really take that on as a challenge never take that on as a mission for themselves and so most people are not prolific in fact I would say most people are not even productive let alone prolific prolific I really mean that you're producing a ton just like a massive ton of output whatever that is for you and your job this could mean that you know if you're a professional athlete or a golfer that means for example that you're going to be entering a lot of tournaments it doesn't matter if you're winning them or not you're just entering them you're entering termina mints all the time you're doing that all the time like that's your that's the air that you breathe and if you're a writer if you're prolific writer that means you're writing stuff all the time every single day you're sitting down to write something every day you're putting out work you're putting out pages you're putting out books you've got many books that you put out not one book a prolific writer puts out dozens of books maybe 50 books you know think about someone like Stephen King think about someone like Isaac Asimov the classic science fiction writer they literally have libraries of books that they've put out they're really prolific people and what ends to happen is that those people tend to be also extremely successful because when you're that prolific at something it's hard to suck at it it's hard to suck at it the the Buddhists had a saying that I heard once that if you read a book a thousand times you're bound to understand it right and there's something powerful about that there's something powerful about just putting here sheer force behind your action and just breaking barriers by but just be so persistent with whatever it is that you're doing that you're gonna break through and you're gonna master it you're gonna become the best of the best that's how you become the best in the world is by being extremely prolific whatever it is that you're doing you know if your salesmen are you making a ton of sales are you always like on the phone making sales calls or going your door if you're an entrepreneur are you a prolific entrepreneur that means you're starting businesses all the time you love to start a new business you love to start and of course manage it and then maybe sell it off or move on to the next one somehow fold it up and then get it to work itself and then move on to the next one in the next one you see this in serial entrepreneurs and those are the ones that tend to be like really good is that they have a long streak a history of stuff and enterprises that they've started and not all of them were necessarily successful it's not about being prolific and putting out masterpieces all the time all those 50,000 artworks that Picasso did many of them were sketches many of them I'm sure you've never heard of many of them were probably not masterpiece quality but still he produced them the fact that he produced them is what got him so good and this applies to any area of your life so I want you to really ask yourself this question are you prolific if the answer is no how can you be and why are you not and why do you not care about that why do I care about being prolific but you don't being prolific is going to give you two really really big things in life this is how you create a supercharged life one is that it's gonna make you successful if you're worried about petty things right now like money paying the bills credit cards you have to pay off these types of things all that can be overcome if you just give yourself in to being extremely productive in something because what's gonna happen is that when you're that productive you're gonna become so good that people can't ignore you which is actually the title of a book by Cal Newport so good that they can't ignore you which makes a really good case for how to master yourself in some career or profession I recommend you check that out and I'm gonna have some videos on it as well but the point here being is that you want to become so good that you have a lot enough career capital and leverage to demand high paycheck and then you're comfortable not only that but you also besides the money you get to demand creative autonomy and when you have that creative autonomy then you get more leeway to actually do the things you want to do when you begin become more self expressive and then of course because you're producing a lot you're becoming so good and so masterful at the production process not only are you producing world-class results eventually which is really rewarding for you it's also rewarding for other people it's also going to get you money like we talked about but ultimately when you master that you get into that flow state you get into that state of flow where when you're working like you're enjoying it like I can picture Picasso being in flow all the time because his life was basically about art and sex and the sex part I'll leave to some other video but the art is what I'm talking about here and the art I can just picture him there like waking up in the morning and just going straight to his canvas and draw painting on it or drawing on it and getting a lot of pleasure from that and just doing it all the time it's like it wasn't something he had to force himself to do to get out of bed to do it I just picture him like breathing that that's that's this thing that's what he got his kicks out of it's kind of like the way that maybe some of us will go and like we'll want to go watch some TV on the weekends and just like do a marathon session it's like oh that's gonna be so pleasant well what if that was like your work what if your work was like that I think that's how it is for prolific people it has to be how else can you put out that much work whether you're a movie director a writer an artist an entrepreneur whatever how else can you beat a prolific unless you really really love it and that's what I want for you and that's why I always encourage you to think about your life purpose and to find out what your life purpose is because you need to know what your purpose is in life and you really need to have a lot of self-awareness before you can commit yourself to being that prolific it takes a certain commitment to do that so I want you to really think about this think about how you can move yourself into that because this is a higher level experience that you could have as a human being that most people out there I don't see having most people out there are just living an ordinary life humdrum kind of life they're comfortable nine-to-five but it's not like that supercharged excitement that you get I mean like the excitement I get and I'm building it up now like shooting these videos like I love it I love it and you can feel that energy that energy like rubs off on you it's electric it's magnetic I want that to be happening for you and you work that's what's gonna supercharge your work and then of course it's gonna fix a lot of other problems in your life right now that you're probably bemoaning you're by Mona in fact you don't have enough money you could be more successful you could have more time you wish you had more more financial independence and you wish you had more creative freedom well all of that you can get but you have to work for a little bit and it's not so much even about the work it's just that you're gonna make the work so pleasant and it's gonna be so just like so inspiring to you and to other people that it's really a win-win everybody wins you just got to get yourself on that track get yourself on that track that's what I want for you alright this is leo signing off thanks Arina for letting me do this guest post go ahead check out goal-setting guide comm I'm gonna have a link to it and also check out actualized org where you can find more videos just like this one we do advanced personal development videos specifically on life purpose and all the subtleties of getting the psychology right to be a high performer and to live to your full potential in life all right thanks a lot I am signing off you